Experience On Yoga


Nirajan Panthee(2448)    

Valley Krishi Campus 

Yoga also known as योग in a Sanskrit is a mind and body practice that can build strength and flexibility. It may also help manage pain and reduce stress. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. I have recently visited Jeevan vigyan foundation which was established 12 years ago as a non-profit organization with the motive to provide science based skills that promote happiness, empowering and focused human concepts. I have taken a 7-day course of Aishwarya Vigyan which is the complete package of building careers through spirituality and mental health. 

We got to know about seven primary chakras has its own focus:

  • Sahasrara: The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, represents spiritual connection.
  • Ajna: The third eye chakra, located between the brows, is associated with intuition.
  • Visuddha: The throat chakra is associated with immunity and spoken communication.
  • Anahata: The heart chakra has an impact on both professional and personal interactions. Any imbalances in this chakra will disrupt the control of oxygen, hormones, tissue, and organs.
  • Manipura: The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach. It represents self-assurance, wisdom, and self-discipline.
  • Svadhishthana: The sacral chakra combines pleasure, well-being, and energy. It is located beneath the belly button.
  • Muladhara: At the base of the spine, the root chakra connects the mind and body to the earth, keeping a person grounded. It is in charge of the sciatic nerves as well as the parasympathetic nervous system.

They teach us how to find our path and career mapping to bring prosperity in life. We get to learn about various yoga and asanas during the course. We have learned Bajrangi Byaayam, which helps to make our body flexible, reduce the fat, decrease the uricacid, improve the digestive system, sound and stress relief sleep.

Similarly, we have learned about Jeevan Amrit Dhyan Bidhi. It is beneficial as it increases the flexibility of the Body, improve the circulatory and respiratory system, eradicate stress and improve the mental health.

Yoga is a centuries-old discipline that has evolved over time. Modern yoga emphasizes positions that promote inner tranquility and physical vigor. Fitness was not as important in ancient yoga. Instead, it centered on increasing mental attention and spiritual energy. Yoga can support a healthy, active lifestyle.


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